Fathers Day Food Lasagne with Meat

Fathers Day Food Lasagne with Meat

recipe image

  • Prep time
    45 minutes
  • Cook time
    1 hour 30 minutes
  • Serves
Author Notes

-One bag lasagne
-one kgs meat of beef
-one tin of smashed tomatoes for sauce
-one onion
-four pinches of garlic
-five tablespoon olive oil
-some salt and pepper
-grained white cheese

1) For meat:
-We put two-three tablespoon olie oil in a casserole and we cut the onion, by adding meat cut into small pieces/slices and fry it together until color of meat gets brown
2)We put the tin with all smashed tomatoes, cut the garlic into tiny peaces, add salt and pepper, and start boiling the mix, for some time; then we check, when meat is almost done, we add clovis and cinnamon,salt and pepper approximately having poured at the beginning of this stage the rest two-three tablespoon olive oil, then we let mix boil to the end, taking care from time to time to set the stove and temperature of cooking carefully; we wait till all mix and meat becomes soft but not 100% done, actually the percentage for boiling meat should be up to 85% totally.
-3) In the meantime, or after meat is done, we boil lasagna in a casserole with salt, and we wait till they get well done, but actually not too soft.-then we add butter and we mix lasagna well, actually ready.
-4) We put in a deep big plate of glass rectangular form by preference, called ‘pyrex’, the lasagna, by tiding it in the plate slowly, one layer. Then, we start adding the meat, as its’s done, and add some of the grained white cheese, and mix well;-We thus have one layer of food; then we repeat exactly the same by adding still some grained (white) cheese, and mix well as that we’ll have second layer of food.-Then we add the rest of meat, adding the rest of cheese by mixing well so that grained cheese and sauce of meat are well poured and spread throighout pyrex, and we put in the end some more grained cheese on the top so as to cover most of top part of pieces of meat.
-We put then in the oven to bake it, for one hour and a half, (that’s why, we don’t boil the meat before to get well done, because now the rest of non boiled meat will be baked and finished in the oven.
-Temperature ar round 170 C, so that meat won’t get burnt, and whole food as well.
-We serve with cold beer, by enjoying the food with family members or friends, —Aikaterini Katapodi

  • 1 bunch


  • 1 ounce


  • 1 packet

    Smashed tomatoes in tin

Prep time 45 minutes Cook time 1 hour 30 minutes Serves 4 Author Notes A) INGREDIENTS-One bag lasagne-one kgs meat of beef-one tin of smashed tomatoes for sauce-one onion-four pinches of garlic-cinnamon-five tablespoon olive oil-some salt and pepper-butter-grained white cheeseB)PREPARATION1) For meat:-We put two-three tablespoon olie oil in a casserole and we cut the onion, by adding meat cut into small pieces/slices and fry it together until color of meat gets brown2)We put the tin with all smashed tomatoes, cut the garlic into tiny peaces, add salt and pepper, and start boiling the mix, for some time; then we check, when meat is almost done, we add clovis and cinnamon,salt and pepper approximately having poured at the beginning of this stage the rest two-three tablespoon olive oil, then we let mix boil to the end, taking care from time to time to set the stove and temperature of cooking carefully; we wait till all mix and meat becomes soft but not 100% done, actually the percentage for boiling meat should be up to 85% totally.-3) In the meantime, or after meat is done, we boil lasagna in a casserole with salt, and we wait till they get well done, but actually not too soft.-then we add butter and we mix lasagna well, actually ready.-4) We put in a deep big plate of glass rectangular form by preference, called ‘pyrex’, the lasagna, by tiding it in the plate slowly, one layer. Then, we start adding the meat, as its’s done, and add some of the grained white cheese, and mix well;-We thus have one layer of food; then we repeat exactly the same by adding still some grained (white) cheese, and mix well as that we’ll have second layer of food.-Then we add the rest of meat, adding the rest of cheese by mixing well so that grained cheese and sauce of meat are well poured and spread throighout pyrex, and we put in the end some more grained cheese on the top so as to cover most of top part of pieces of meat.-We put then in the oven to bake it, for one hour and a half, (that’s why, we don’t boil the meat before to get well done, because now the rest of non boiled meat will be baked and finished in the oven.-Temperature ar round 170 C, so that meat won’t get burnt, and whole food as well. -We serve with cold beer, by enjoying the food with family members or friends, —Aikaterini Katapodi Ingredients 1 bunch Lasagna 1 ounce Meat 1 packet Smashed tomatoes in tin

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