Salad with baked pumpkin and mozzarella

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One of the standout symbols of autumn is the pumpkin. Every time I venture into the market or a store, the sight of these vibrant yellow or orange fruits never fails to catch my eye. Whether large or small, round or elongated, they call out to me enticingly. Whenever a pumpkin graces the countertop, I find myself compelled to purchase at least one, regardless of any predefined cooking intentions. Beyond the customary pumpkin soups and pies, I have a particular fondness for incorporating pumpkin into salads. Its flavor harmonizes beautifully with an array of greens and cheeses, such as mozzarella or feta.




    Whether to cut the skin off it or not - I leave it to your discretion, I don't mind to cut it off and in the process of eating the salad, but it can be a process for the amateur. So if you don't want to bother later, it's better to cut the skin off the slices right away.

    Step 1

    Let's start with the pumpkin, as it will take a little more time to prepare. Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the pulp with the seeds and cut it into slices.

    Step 2

    Next, for the pumpkin, let's prepare the garlic butter. Chop garlic finely, mix with olive oil and thyme. And mix the resulting oil with the pumpkin slices in a large bowl.

    Step 3

    Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the pumpkin on a baking tray and bake it for about 20 minutes.

    Step 4

    We didn't use fresh peanuts for nothing. They need to be browned a little in the oven. You can scatter them on another baking tray or next to the pumpkin, a small handful of peanuts will be enough. The peanuts only need 3-5 minutes in the oven to brown, to make them even more crunchy.

    Step 5

    Prepare the salad dressing. In a blender bowl, pour 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, add a handful of spinach leaves, balsamic vinegar, for piquancy you can add a small clove of garlic and whisk to a homogeneous liquid mass. When the pumpkin is ready, you can assemble the salad.


    On a plate portionally lay out a few slices of pumpkin, top with salad leaves (do not forget to wash and dry them), add mozzarella, pre-balls tear into fibers. Sprinkle the dressing on top and sprinkle with peanuts and mint leaves.
