Vegetable Kale Soup

Vegetable Kale Soup

recipe image

Good evening!

Today flew by!! It always does when I am in ‘To Do List Mode’!

I got a lot accomplished, but looking down at my list it doesn’t feel that way. I probably should have called my to-do list Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday To Do list because it is going to take me at least that long to get everything done. That is ok though! 🙂

Today I made a fabulous Vegetable Kale Soup in my slow cooker. I intended to combine two recipes that I found online, but when I got in the kitchen I just ditched the recipes and followed my heart. I do that often. 😀 Sometimes following recipes can be cumbersome and time consuming, and since I was short for time I just threw in a bunch of great foods into the slow cooker. I always say I have never made a bad meal from a slow cooker and I typically do not use a recipe. It is fool proof!

Here is everything going in:


The Contents:

  • 2 kale leaves, chopped
  • 1 6 oz. can of tomato paste
  • 2 cup organic veggie broth (low sodium)
  • 3 carrots, chopped
  • 4 cup water (approx, I didn’t measure anything)
  • 1/2 cup lentil soup mix from Bulk Barn (low sodium)
  • 1/3 red onion, chopped
  • 1 whole sweet onion, chopped
  • pinch of saffron
  • Italian Seasoning
  • salt to taste (if preferred)

It cooked on high in the slow cooker for about 3-4 hours. It was my first time eating kale cooked and I can’t say I was a huge fan. I think maybe the chopped pieces that I had in there were too large. I thought the kale was going to shrink more like spinach, but it didn’t.

The Finished Product:


I scooped some Solgourt onto the top of my bowl and mixed it in for a creamier taste. I am still not convinced with thie Solgourt…it is quite bitter, even in soup! Does anyone have any recommendations for a good non-dairy imitation sour cream?


I had it with tea and a piece of whole wheat toast with 1/2 an avocado spread over it. So good! I am obsessed with avocados now!

Other Crap Free Eats today were:

Afternoon Snack:


Plus a few more crackers and 3 Tbsp of hummus!

Day 10 Sugar Free complete!

Wedding Dress venture:

  • Today I was offered to model in a wedding photography workshop by our amazing wedding photographers! I get to wear my wedding dress and will get my make-up and hair done. What could be better than that?
  • I will also be given all of the images from the day! Of course I agreed. The shoot is March 15th. The first thought in my mind was that my dress might be a bit snug since I have been injured and not working out. Well lo and behold my dress is a bit tight! So the next two weeks I am really going to be watching what I eat and hopefully my dress will fit for the shoot. I’m not sure what I would do if it didn’t! It is a size 2 so it is no wonder I don’t fit in it after a winter season being off exercise!
  • The photographers also want Eric to model with me, but Eric doesn’t know because he doesn’t have a suit. So I might ask if the photographer can lend him one since they are the same size.
  • So in case there was any uncertainty whether I would continue with my Crap Free Week– the answer is a definite YES! I need to fit into this dress in 2 weeks time. This is going to be a challenge that is forsure. I may have to start doing some non impact exercise on the elliptical at a local gym. I can get a 1 month pass for about $20 so I may do that.

Me on my wedding night taking all the hair pins out! lol


Here is what the photographer said,

“We were thinking to have your hair done in long loose curls. We will have a make up artist along so you could get your make up done with us at about 9:30. We’re thinking your look will be a bit hollywood starlet, not too dramatic but a bit sexy/red carpet so if you have some fake eyelashes we’ll have the make up artist apply them for you.”

Hollywood Starlet?! Sweet! I finally have use for my MAC individual eyelashes! 😀

OSG Announcements:

  • Oh She Glows was featured as one of the ‘Blogs of the Day’ today on! My Clean Sweep post was one of the top 100 posts on WordPress in 24 hours. So exciting!

What is Blogs of the Day?

The purpose of BOTD

Blogs Of The Day highlights the most popular content on The lists produced by BOTD are displayed on this site and on every user’s dashboard, as well as on the front page. You can browse these lists to find interesting things to read. You might even make a friend.”

  • Oh She Glows hit a RECORD number of hits today (no doubt a result of being featured on!!! Today was the busiest dayon the blog yet. My readers are health superstars! Thank you for all of your continual support. And to my new readers- WELCOME and nice to meet you! 😀


This quote helps me get through my injury with my head held high:

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller

Have a great evening everyone! See you tomorrow for a fun blog announcement!

Home » Recipes » Dinner March 2, 2009Good evening! Today flew by!! It always does when I am in ‘To Do List Mode’! I got a lot accomplished, but looking down at my list it doesn’t feel that way. I probably should have called my to-do list Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday To Do list because it is going to take me at least that long to get everything done. That is ok though! 🙂 Today I made a fabulous Vegetable Kale Soup in my slow cooker. I intended to combine two recipes that I found online, but when I got in the kitchen I just ditched the recipes and followed my heart. I do that often. 😀 Sometimes following recipes can be cumbersome and time consuming, and since I was short for time I just threw in a bunch of great foods into the slow cooker. I always say I have never made a bad meal from a slow cooker and I typically do not use a recipe. It is fool proof! Here is everything going in: The Contents: 2 kale leaves, chopped 1 6 oz. can of tomato paste 2 cup organic veggie broth (low sodium) 3 carrots, chopped 4 cup water (approx, I didn’t measure anything) 1/2 cup lentil soup mix from Bulk Barn (low sodium) 1/3 red onion, chopped 1 whole sweet onion, chopped pinch of saffron Italian Seasoning salt to taste (if preferred) It cooked on high in the slow cooker for about 3-4 hours. It was my first time eating kale cooked and I can’t say I was a huge fan. I think maybe the chopped pieces that I had in there were too large. I thought the kale was going to shrink more like spinach, but it didn’t. The Finished Product: I scooped some Solgourt onto the top of my bowl and mixed it in for a creamier taste. I am still not convinced with thie Solgourt…it is quite bitter, even in soup! Does anyone have any recommendations for a good non-dairy imitation sour cream? I had it with tea and a piece of whole wheat toast with 1/2 an avocado spread over it. So good! I am obsessed with avocados now! Other Crap Free Eats today were: Afternoon Snack: Plus a few more crackers and 3 Tbsp of hummus! Day 10 Sugar Free complete! Wedding Dress venture: Today I was offered to model in a wedding photography workshop by our amazing wedding photographers! I get to wear my wedding dress and will get my make-up and hair done. What could be better than that? I will also be given all of the images from the day! Of course I agreed. The shoot is March 15th. The first thought in my mind was that my dress might be a bit snug since I have been injured and not working out. Well lo and behold my dress is a bit tight! So the next two weeks I am really going to be watching what I eat and hopefully my dress will fit for the shoot. I’m not sure what I would do if it didn’t! It is a size 2 so it is no wonder I don’t fit in it after a winter season being off exercise! The photographers also want Eric to model with me, but Eric doesn’t know because he doesn’t have a suit. So I might ask if the photographer can lend him one since they are the same size. So in case there was any uncertainty whether I would continue with my Crap Free Week– the answer is a definite YES! I need to fit into this dress in 2 weeks time. This is going to be a challenge that is forsure. I may have to start doing some non impact exercise on the elliptical at a local gym. I can get a 1 month pass for about $20 so I may do that. Me on my wedding night taking all the hair pins out! lol Here is what the photographer said, “We were thinking to have your hair done in long loose curls. We will have a make up artist along so you could get your make up done with us at about 9:30. We’re thinking your look will be a bit hollywood starlet, not too dramatic but a bit sexy/red carpet so if you have some fake eyelashes we’ll have the make up artist apply them for you.” Hollywood Starlet?! Sweet! I finally have use for my MAC individual eyelashes! 😀 OSG Announcements: Oh She Glows was featured as one of the ‘Blogs of the Day’ today on! My Clean Sweep post was one of the top 100 posts on WordPress in 24 hours. So exciting! What is Blogs of the Day? “The purpose of BOTD Blogs Of The Day highlights the most popular content on The lists produced by BOTD are displayed on this site and on every user’s dashboard, as well as on the front page. You can browse these lists to find interesting things to read. You might even make a friend.” Oh She Glows hit a RECORD number of hits today (no doubt a result of being featured on!!! Today was the busiest dayon the blog yet. My readers are health superstars! Thank you for all of your continual support. And to my new readers- WELCOME and nice to meet you! 😀 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This quote helps me get through my injury with my head held high: “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller Have a great evening everyone! See you tomorrow for a fun blog announcement!
Vegetable Kale Soup

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