Bite Bliss

Bite Bliss

Maine Lobster Roll with Claw and Knuckle Meat

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Twenty-Minute Chicken Liver Mousse From ‘The Meat Hook

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Chicken liver mousse always make me think of the sexy, cozy wine bar where I once worked in the West Village. I watched their mousse

Gaby’s Shrimp Cocktail

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Cheesy Sausage Cocktail Toasts

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My mom's mother was the "model" grandmother; she sewed doll clothes, made homemade Play-Doh, and baked for every family gathering. My dad's mom—Grandma Slonecker— was

Plump and Tender Shrimp Cocktail Recipe

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Why It Works Using a court bouillon (a flavorful, aromatic broth with white wine and lemon juice) produces deeply-flavored shrimp.Starting shrimp in a lower-temperature cooking

Hot Ward 8 Cocktail Recipe

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Why It Works Keeping a cocktail hot for a whole afternoon or evening is easy with an insulated thermos; just warm your carrying container first

Classic Gin Martini

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Another New Year, and despite looming economic woes, I do feel happy.  I hope you do too. There may be a recession, but I know how to keep it from

Shrimp Cocktail Toast And Creamy Shrimp Soup

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A recipe that is really two recipes. A seafood symphony, or more correctly, a shrimp duet.By Kalle Bergman Shrimp has always been one of my

The Sun Also Rises Cocktail

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Ingredients:Simple syrup:2 tablespoons sugar1/4 cup waterCocktail:3 ounces prosecco or other dry sparkling wine1 1/2 tablespoons Plymouth Sloe Gin1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 1/2 teaspoons

Bloody Bull Cocktail

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